Those of you who troll Target’s aisles regularly have probably noticed their “As Seen on TV” endcap. Currently in stores Target is offering Mighty Mendit, Debbie Meyer Green Bags and the Smooth Away hair removal system for just $9.99 each. I have only tried one of these products – the Green Bags – which I was dubious about at first (my husband slipped them into my Christmas stocking) but I’ve got to admit they really do work! Returning the favor, I got the Ove Glove for my husband as a joke… but it’s actually become one of our favorite kitchen items.
Target also has PRO Caulk and ShamWow (the subject of everyone’s favorite infomercial) for $19.99 each. My husband always cringes when the PRO Caulk ad comes on TV because he thinks it looks like a waste of time, and the review for it on Target’s site seems to agree with him.
What about you, dear readers? Have any of you tried any of the “As Seen on TV” products? And if so, would you recommend (or avoid) any of them?
I don't know about the Green Bags, but I tried the Debbie Meyers Green Boxes a few months ago with bad results. They impart a horrible plastic smell and taste to whatever you keep inside them.
I haven't tried the Smooth Away myself but I've heard good things about it, apparently it really does work!
love the pedi-egg. it totally works!
LOL...I haven't even heard about the "Green Boxes"! I will avoid those for sure.
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