Racked is reporting that Dolce Vita is collaborating on a shoe line for Target. They got a "sneak peek" of the collection when they were allowed to preview the new Manhattan/East Harlem store earlier this week. And now they can confirm: Dolce Vita has worked with Target on a shoe collection to launch exclusively at the Manhattan store when it opens this Sunday (tomorrow) followed by a rollout to more stores in late August. But check your local store for sure, because The Budget Babe reports that she already found a few pairs at her local Target (and you can read her review here).
Racked says that the two obvious differences between the regular Dolce Vita shoes and these for Target are the price and materials. Typical Dolce Vitas would be at least triple the Target price, so they're more than a steal. But reflective of the lower price, the Target shoes are made of faux leather, and the hardware is probably of lesser quality.
These looks aren't really my style, but I'm always impressed with how Target keeps moving forward. Thanks as always for giving us the inside Target scoop :)
Faux leather shoes = swamp foot. Sandals maybe because at least there's some air circulation. I don't think I'll be biting on these.
Some of these look like men's shoes. I am always hoping for Target to get out of their own box and do more for men's fashion. When ever they do something different for men, like last year's faux leather hooded motorcycle jackets, they sell out. Why don't they get the hint and go all out for men too? Le sigh.
Critifur, I agree! Target needs to invest more time/energy in menswear.
And sorry: although these LOOK like men's styles, they are women's. There's a 4th design (not shown) that is a ballet-flat style.
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