Madison Avenue Spy is right. Although my local Target was hella busy on the day after Thanksgiving, things seem to have cooled down considerably. Yesterday during lunch I went to the Target across from my work and came across something I've never seen at Target: an
additional discount on already clearance merchandise. Yep, that's right: all clothing (at least women's and men's) were an additional 30% off the clearance price, even if it was already marked down 75%! Crazy, I know. And yet - here's the really nutty part -
no one was buying. In the women's department, a few women seemed to be looking, but I didn't see anyone tossing stuff in their carts. And the men's dept. was a ghost town: I had the place to myself looking for shirts for my hubby (but alas, I didn't find any ones I liked in his size). Not sure how long this additional sale will go on for, or if it's happening at all Targets nationwide, but it's a pretty steep discount and worth checking out.
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