Dear readers, I have never been so exhausted from a shopping trip in my life... especially one that took a grand total of 20 minutes! This morning I arrived at my local Target store at 8:02am. To my horror, the parking lot was already 3/4 full! I walked into the store to find that the women's section was well ripped apart, with most racks already empty. There were probably close to 30 women fighting over the goods; it was surreal. Across the aisle in accessories, I searched frantically for the laptop case and the umbrella (two items I really wanted) but there were none to be found. I was able to nab the last silk scarf and last pair of purple knit gloves, and then the section was bare. I was also able to get the tights shown here, as well as a pair in more neutral tones.
I turned around to see Target employees replenishing some of the women's wear, and quickly grabbed a long cardigan (similar to the one shown here, only in tans and browns). The women around me had their carts completely filled with what I estimated to be hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in merchandise. Quickly moving along to the housewares section, I discovered that all the rugs, throws, shower curtains, and towels were gone. I was able to grab
one of these gorgeous vases before they all went; there were only a handful left when I arrived. A quick scan of the area told me that all of the kitchenwares - the dishes, glassware, etc. - had been picked over, except for a scant few zig-zagged tumblers.
I raced to the stationery section, grabbing the last two wine gift boxes (at $9.99 each, which are being marked up to $69.99 on eBay!) as well as two packs of notecards and a soy candle. As I turned to make my way to the checkout lanes, the endcap had pretty much been picked clean.
I would say that by the time I arrived at the store - again, two minutes after opening! - the
Missoni for Target collection was 70% sold out. By the time I left - at 8:20 - it was probably 90% sold out. I overheard some Target employees telling frustrated shoppers that they'd already put out all the merchandise they had in inventory, and that they didn't expect any additional shipments for several days.
When Target's web site finally got back up & running, I was able to also order an iPhone cover, the black & white zig-zag coat I'd been coveting, and a knit scarf to match the gloves I had bought. But a quick scan of their site showed numerous items already sold out, including the laptop bag I'd hoped to nab this morning. [Warning: the site keeps going up & down. It took a couple of hours for me to actually be able to "check out" and complete my transaction].
Overall, I'm happy with what I bought, and I think Target did a good job with this collab, although they probably underestimated the public's demand. My advice for anyone who went shopping today and was disappointed at the limited supply is to be patient. Do NOT give in to the disgusting markups on eBay by people trying to make a fast buck. Let all the fanfare die down, wait for the additional shipments to come in, and watch for customer store returns by people who "overbought" on launch day.