On Tuesdays I sometimes take the opportunity to rant about something I do not like about Target… because although I love ‘em to death, they ain’t perfect. Today's rant is an easy one: I was already planning a post on the “great Missoni mess of 2011”. We all have our horror stories from the past week. My latest one is that although I now have several confirmation emails from Target stating that my items have shipped (yay!) they are coming in multiple shipments (boo!) and one of the items needs to be signed for in person when delivered (WTF??!).
But that’s nothing compared to the tales being told over at Racked.com, citing some poor gal in SoCal whose bank account was charged $1,000 for her Missoni for Target order… an order Target is claiming was never placed! You can read her full story – plus other tales of woe – here.
Hi Target Addict -
1) I ordered two things off of Target.com and got a series of initally confusing e-mails. But I now have UPS tracking info for both things via my account - separate mailings, of course. So I'll keep you posted on the developments in that arena.
2) I was in Norfolk, VA over the weekend and managed to grab a men's tie (very cute navy tie with solo zigzag). They had a few items here and there but no clothes save for kids' stuff and one men's sweater. There was a decent number of travel items, frames, and shoes left over. But it was still pretty sparse considering it was Norfolk...
3) I returned a handful of things to a store in Culver City today and then wandered about just to see if anything was still there. They had a solid stock of the pumps and some random lingerie. That was it. Nothing else. It was really as if the launch never happened - even a week later...
It sounds like the launch was more of a drop, as in the ball.
Some returns are starting to trickle into my stores but nothing in my size or on my wish list. On a positive note I did receive 3 of 4 items from an order I managed to place on the 13th yesterday. I got the multicolored trench coat. Really cute but I thought the weight of the fabric would have been a bit heavier. It also is cut a bit larger than I expected. Usually wearing about a 4, I ordered a small & I probably could use an XS. Of course I am keeping it since I'll never see another one! My second order with the 2 items I most coveted: the black & white sweater coat & the brown sleeveless zig-zag sweater dress remains on backorder. I guess I was one of the lucky ones though even get an order through & was off to hit the stores early on the 13th! This is all just killing me because I am a BARGAIN shopper usually buying the colabs at full price & watching & rebuying them AT 50% to 75% off later. Missoni has totally blown my fall fashion budget in one day!
I placed two orders for three items: a green sweater which was shipped and like you did not understand why they need a signature.
I ordered two vests and got the delayed order eamil and was asked to go to my account to approve the delay. I did go to my account and clicked on the appropriate buttons and when I tried to place the items in my cart, I got the out of stock tag. I really am over this !!!
At my Target store in Cypress Ca there was alot of Missoni in stock that morning and still alot of stock a few days later .. I guess not that popular in my area. I went shopping for other things ... I didn't get the whole Missoni madness
wow...I just do not really like Missoni..never have..I am so happy to not have been put through any madness. I did order a piece of costume jewelry around the holidays one year and THREE times I was sent the wrong item, but in retrospect, I realize that was not as bad as what they have done to most of their customers with this fiasco. I did look around my local store last Friday and there was no sign of any items so I think they never had any.
Well it looks like ONE of my Missoni packages was delivered the other day... but I'm in the midwest on business, and I won't get to inspect the goods until I get home tonight. I'll blog my review tomorrow!
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