Depending on whom you listen to on the Interweb, Target either will be - or will not be - restocking their Missoni collection. Tipster "E. Clemens" left a comment here saying s/he has it from a reliable source that "chances are that there will be no more shipments of Missoni clothing coming to stores....(they) will get a bit more of the non-clothing items and-or stuff that had yet to be delivered, but other than that, it was pretty much a one-time thing."
And even if you ARE able to find a store that's been restocked, you'll likely face the same sort of "feeding frenzy" from Tuesday. Racked.com reports that there was Missoni for Target restock in West Hollywood yesterday, but if you weren't there by 7:30 in the morning and ready to brawl, you walked away empty handed. They describe the scene:
'There were already about 30 people gathered around the door waiting for them to open, and when they did, they ran, full speed to the Missoni areas. A few greedy people filled their carts with all the items that were still there.... The best part of it all was that when everyone went charging in, one of the employees actually yelled “It’s all gone and we’re not getting any more!” She then referred to the customers as “a bunch of wild animals.” '
Hi Target Addict. We are neighbors, I am just south of you near where garlic grows ;-) This whole Missoni debacle is unreal & fascinating at the same time. My local Target got 1/2 truckload of items - more then many other "small town" Targets. We have good demos in our town and I guess that's the reason why we got so much inventory... I really was shocked when I showed up at 7:45am and the only two other people waiting for the doors to open were friends I had told to meet me because I knew it was going to sell out fast. (The launch date was on my calender since the day it was announced as I have always been a fan of Missoni's eclectic style esp. the home goods.) Anyhow, we did have the run of the store for about 15 minutes (heaven!). I didn't buy any of the clothing or shoes (there were a lot of items). I mostly bought accessories/home-wares/beauty. There were only four pillows and one bath rug/one set of three diff towel designs put out in the entire shipment - oh and one colored suitcase. My mom is in Fresno and purchased the most coveted items (bike/throw/espresso set/bedding, etc). She said she was the first in line at her Target too. I don't know, I am still dumbfounded that people thought they would be able to just stroll on it and leisurely pick and choose. Even though my situation was just that (since I was first through the door at a "sleepy" Target); I was 100% prepared for it to be like the morning of Dec 26th in the holiday decorations dept: total madness! LOL Thanks again for such a great blog. I may not comment a lot but read every single post. Happy Friday!
PS - Sorry for the novelette!
So I had a delayed order too, like you. LOL.
And trying to tell target.com that I was okay waiting for my delayed items became a real cluster (you know what). I couldn't just click "it's okay to delay" at their web site and when I tried to send in a comment form that was also not able to happen. Wha-huh, Target? Your web site BLOWS.
I eventually (30 min wait) spoke with a call center in (I assume) India. She was super nice, and said don't worry, my items will ship, but only when the manufacturer sends the items. So I gather the "extra" that was meant for stores, etc., is now going to fill orders made on Tuesday.
At this point, I have about 50% faith that I will see these items.
I did buy the flats from an ebay seller who had a nice, reasonable start price of $37 and a $5 shipping fee. Yes, that is 13 dollars more than had I bought them in the stores or on-line, but I sort of consider that a "finders" fee. I hope no one gives into the insane re-sellers who are charging 5-6 times extra for products. I know this stuff is hot, but really, is the market gonna bear those prices??? Huh?
FWIW, I was the ONLY bidder on those flats, so I think the over-inflated prices will come down, they will have to.
I was able to order online and all of my items shipped except for the "arm warmer" gloves - they are "delayed" so hopefully they come in. It was one of the items left in stock that I really wanted! I didn't even try to go to the store after work.
I was in my Target again today (South Florida) and from the looks of it, they are not expecting any further shipments b/c ALL of the Missoni signage is completely gone! You have to laugh that they spent time and money to create and set up all that signage for just a few hours! I wonder what the next designer collaboration will be? I am sure some lessons were learned (at least I hope) this time around.
Michelle: I actually toyed with the idea (before you even wrote in!) of driving down to Morgan Hill, Gilroy, or Seaside - one of the more "sleepy" Targets - to check and see if they had any Missoni. But then I did a reality check, and realized I have enough Missoni already ;-)
4DsfromLHP: I read somewhere this week that Target plans to announce their next big designer collab in the next few weeks - that will launch in the Spring - and that it's supposed to be HUGE. The bummer is that all this Missoni mayhem is going to fuel an even bigger interest in the next collaboration. Can you imagine the lines to get into Target NEXT time a designer launches? Ugh....
I look forward to finding out the details about the next collaboration on your blog! Have a great weekend!
I can't believe that Target didn't handle this better. Some people have to freaking work M-F and can't be waiting at the doors the instant they open. Plus the webiste crashed so early it was crazy and when it was available, most of the Missioni I wanted was sold out. I sent an email to Target to complain and received a BS answer in reply today. After not being able to buy anything worthwile from the Calaypso launch amd from from Missoni--- I won't even try again.
Same at my target as 4DsfromLHP said...they were taking down all the Missoni signage today. I was there before open and 1 lady in front of me grabbed all the bowls. Another one in accessories took forever looking at scarves, when I said "excuse me" she grabbed them and ran! haha. These people are amusing! I got a comp book which I had really wanted - but it's falling apart- paper falling out so I'm returning. Also, all the stoneware carries the Prop 65 cancer warning - so I don't want any of that made in China glaze!!
Hey Target Addict! I also have a delayed order from Target.com for the items I ordered on launch day. They are saying they ship on 9/27, but I wonder.
I have heard that there would be restocking at one store, and that there would not be at another. Only time will tell. Fingers crossed. I think the Target website is still just hobbling along.
I'm still mad, and I really don't care who the next designer is! I'm sure they will not change anything, and the ebay freaks will get it all anyway!
Hey Target Addict, I think people start returning items, I went to my local store, I saw a whole shopping cart's stuff. Good new is I got the tote bag=)
Went to one of my 2 local stores after work last night. All of the Missoni that was left had been moved up to the front of the store. Where the scarves & accessories had been there were housewares and where the ladies clothes had been there was chidrens clothing & ladies sleepwear with a few leftover ladies pieces. There were signs hanging on all the racks that said this was a limited promotion and there would be no re-stocking. Otherwise there was no sign of Missoni in the entire store other than in shoes. There was a good supply of ladies shoes (pumps mostly) still with signage. I guess returns are your only hope. I did find one sweater maybe returned in my size which I grabbed immediately. On a more positive note: I placed 2 quick orders on the 13th in-between web site crashes. 1 order has shipped, the other sent me the dreaded "your order has been delayed". Of course that was the 2 pieces I wanted the most!
So what is going to happen to all of that Missoni signage that has to come down? Target should sell it. No way is that stuff going in the trash--someone should sell it. somewhere.
I would buy the signs and put them up somewhere just to see the performance from the missoni animals that ensues!
Carole: Target has a strict policy of DESTROYING all their signage once a promotion is done. I know this because I have some graphic designer friends who were obsessed one year with some of Target's Christmas displays. They asked if they could have them after the holidays, and were met with a resounding NO. They even offered to PAY for them, but the answer was no; that the corporate policy is to destroy any old signage & store displays. So my friends camped out behind Target, waited until the employees threw them in the dumpsters, and then swiped them ;-)
Readers, I share your frustrations. If Missoni was bad, what's the NEXT collab going to be like? Are people going to camp out overnight to get in line?
MH: luckily I got a shipping CONFIRMATION email today saying my order is in transit. Hopefully yours will be soon, too!
And Peggy: I had no idea about the Prop 65 warning on the stoneware... yipes! Luckily I only bought glassware, and just checked the tags and there's no warning on there.
I just went online and managed to find four pieces (two I really wanted) and when I tried to check out, the two pieces I wanted were missing! I am pretty disgusted with this experience.
I'm not sure about the big spring designer, but Josie Natori is the next one for October. She's only doing loungewear & undies. But, get this...THEY ARE SPLITTING HER LINE/COLLECTION!!
The first collection is for Oct/Nov, then there's the 2nd, released around end of Jan/early Feb(for Valentine's, no doubt!)
Another thing I have noticed about Target's "practices", is that with the Caylpso line, if it was clearance in store, it wasn't online! And for that line, all the plus sizes were ONLINE ONLY!! I really don't know what they are thinking when they get designers in and either 1. don't offer plus sizes(I.e. Missoni, AMcQ, Liberty, JPG) or only offer them online(Calypso).
I'm not sure if they(Target) are letting the designers know that Target has such a diverse band of customers or just having the designer say "No, we won't be offering plus sizes for this!"
I do know that Natori does offer plus sizes in her regular line, so I am hoping that there will be some in the Target version.
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