Reader "Critfur" emailed me the other day to ask if I'd ever seen an HGTV show called "The High/Low Project", hosted by Sabrina Soto and sponsored by Target. Then today, I got the following message from reader "Liz", who asked:
"Thx for your ref to Bulleye's View. The current feature photo, with Sabrina Soto, has her standing in her home office, and I'm dying to find out where I can get the white, low console piece behind her desk--would you have any idea how to source this information?"
Liz, I would try going to the Target page on HGTV's site and scrolling down until you see the "Designer Q&A" section. From there, it looks like you can click a red link to "Ask your question now" to ask Sabrina where you can get that console. Good luck!
And Critfur: you can also poke around the site for more information on "The High/Low Project". It looks like a great show, and I can't wait to watch it!
Thanks, TA! I took your advice and submitted a question. Fingers crossed for a response!
Thanks for the mention TA... Upon further viewing I have come to understand that The High/Low Project really just is about Target. I think that the designs that Sabrina Soto comes up with are directly made so that Target products can be used in the low version. In essense, she designs using Target, then uses high end products to recreate the Target looks, but for production the process is shown in reverse. I know I am quite the cynic. But seriously, Sabrina only uses Target products... It is a little too perfect.
I still enjoy the show, though mostly for Christopher White's segments.
I have to rescind my comment... I watched the newest episode, and Target was not used at all that I could tell. It was mostly thrift stores and so maybe the overt use of Target only happens in a few eps.
I have this weird sort of addiction myself, both with Target and with The High/Low Project. However, my addiction to The High/Low Project deals more with trying to beat Sabrina at her own game... which I have found myself to be surprisingly good at. However, in the one episode in which Sabrina does recreate an expensive room with almost ALL Target products, I must confess, I had no hope of beating Sabrina's budget. Touché Sabrina!
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