It's been a rough week, readers: a few of us scored some Missoni in stores, while others did not. Some of us braved Target's wonky web site, only to get emails stating their shipments have been delayed - or even worse - may not show up at all. Therefore, I think it's prime time for another reader giveaway to say "thank you" to all of you who continue to read my blog. And this time, I'm offering up a Missoni for Target blank notecard set. It contains 12 notecards in 3 different designs - with coordinating envelopes - in earthtones as shown here.
To win, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post along with your email address by Friday, Sept. 23rd. This giveaway is limited to U.S. residents only, and the winner (picked at random) will be announced on Saturday, Sept. 24th. Good luck!
Love the updates on Missoni! Had my own fun but I didn't get any of the truly coveted stuff! :) lou-e-collins at gmail. Remove dashes. Thanks!
This is a great giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting it!
megan.volnoff@gmail . com
What a nice gesture, thanks target addict!
cmlewis07 AT gmail DOT com
Love your blog!
such a sweet sweet giveaway!!!! esp because all the missoni stuff is so highly coveted! lovelovelove your blog.
forgot the email
I heart Missoni.
Thanks for doing this! I was able to get a Mission for Target cosmetics bag!
So excited about finding this blog!
great giveaway! perfect little stationary set.
jen - jenlong1981@gmail.com
camiengel@gmail.com thank a lot!
Adorable. Even though I am bitter at Target. Their new website is the worst!
Love the notecards and your blog!! :) Beverly.Cruz at yahoo..
love cool stationery.
I am so happy I found other Target addicts! :)
love your blog! i think i live in a nearby city... always fun to get updates from you on our local stores!
Just wanted to let your readers know to not give up hope on getting one of their Missoni faves. I think the returns are trickling in because at my store this morning there was a pillow, lots of cosmetic bags, a couple big wrap scarves (Ruana) and the brown/gold metallic fine chevron infinity scarf (among other things!)
I am in desperate need of new notecards! My email is tulsadetails at hotmail dot com.
me me me vivian00@gmail.com
Always love reading your blog (: Its very useful for my sister, who is an employee of Target, who can't keep up with the info you get!
Cute notecards. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love these! rmless@gmail.com
Thanks for your blog!
You were right, I just got back from my Target, and saw some buyers remorse items sadly hanging from a small stand near the entrance. All signage is now gone that was hanging from the ceiling.
I managed to get some gloves and some tights. Looks like the tights were restocked, as well as some storage bins and three melamine square bowls. Pumps are sitll there.
How nice of you to offer up the note cards.
I saw four coats, a pullover, a pillow and a ton of barettes and canisters at Target yesterday!
I love your blog for all things Target!
tammy t
Love your blog.
cool beans! my email: shealakhan@hotmail.com
!!!! I'd love to get a set of these cards.
jchristinahuh [!at] gmail [d!ot] com
I'd love these cards! bellaseattle at yahoo.
I love Target but sadly arrived at one too late to get anything. By noon on the 13th at my store the only thing left was the green coat. I would have purchased it anyway but it was not my size. I still love Target and I love your blog too. Would be wonderful to win your contest. Thanks for thinking of your fans.
thank you for a wonderful giveaway! michelley at gmail dot com
Thanks so much! Keeping my fingers crossed :)
nguyen.michelle.n at gmail dot com
Thanks for the Target for Missoni posts, I loved reading up on what was happening :)
amychaang AT gmail.com
If I win, I'm going to give these to a friend who picked up some Orla Kiely/Target items for me! Love your blog!
I have yet to see the Missoni line at Target. I guess with all the hype, im guessing I won't find any. I guess we'll have to wait and see, I love your blog by the way. :) (1smileygirl@gmail.com)
thanks for the giveaway!
- heidi (literatelystylish@yahoo.com)
thanks for such a great giveaway... i went to 2 targets and couldn't find anything! my email is MLS11487 at gmail dot com thanks!
I'm so glad other people are returning things because today I have to return over $1000.00 worth of M4T stuff that my boss doesn't want and I'm sooo embarrassed to go in there and do this. (granted she bought over 3G in stuff, but still...) And yes, I am definitely underpaid!
Love the site and I am a stationary junkie!
nikirock at gmail dot com
i enjoy reading your blog!
Would love to win this. I went a day late and everything was cleared out. I was actually thinking of buying this exact set on ebay but couldn't bring myself to pay $20 for cards. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Last guys finish...first?? Hope to win! My email addy is misspea888(AT)yahoo.com
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