This week, Target apologized for donating money to Republican Tom Emmer (pictured) a conservative candidate for Minnesota governor who loudly opposes gay rights. The Target controversy has been brewing for a while now, but now the Bullseye is finally acknowledging that it's time for some damage control.
In a statement, Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel writes:
"The intent of our political contribution to MN Forward was to support economic growth and job creation. While I firmly believe that a business climate conducive to growth is critical to our future, I realize our decision affected many of you in a way I did not anticipate, and for that I am genuinely sorry."
He goes on to say that Target respects diversity, that it will review its "decision-making process for financial contributions in the public policy arena," and that later this fall it will convene talks with other organizations about GLBT rights alongside other issues.
Despite the apology, the organization MoveOn is still calling for a boycott of Target stores, as are numerous Facebook pages.
PS - this post is dedicated to reader Critifur, who first brought this situation to my attention a few weeks ago.
I'm satisfied with the apology and see no need to boycott.
Wow - an apology that's actually an apology? If for nothing else, Target and this man should be lauded. Usually there's this "I'm sorry if I have offended..." when the perpetrator knows darn well that something horrid has been said or done.
Thank you! I appreciate that you are following this story. Although I laud the apology by Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel the story continues to unfold in a surprising way:
The reason so many are continuing to call for a boycott is because it is felt Steinhafel should make a equal corporate donation to another pro business and pro equality politician, or group tp offset the damage dome.
Another group of people who should be completely disgusted with Target are people who support the right for women to have legal abortions. Tom Emmer opposes abortion rights for women, so it is just total hypocrisy on Target's part to support a candidate that wants to get rid of women's right to abortions and still expect them to shop in their stores. That just shows Target's total contempt for their customers.
Target has lost some business from me.
I am a target addict becuz I am a Minnesotan that supports EVERY woman's right to life - even those in the womb.
I do not deny anyone the right to believe whatever they want to. But I refuse to spend my money at a business that then takes that money/profit and spends on politics that deny me rights. I also believe a corporation should be non-political altogether.
I just hope that Target takes this as a "lesson learned", and realizes they need to RESEARCH their donations better before giving randomly to politicians, causes, organizations, etc.
I don't doubt that Target did research their donation. As a company that has provided partner benefits, the double-speak of their CEO tells me that it's better for his bottom-line if he doesn't have to extend benefits to certain workers.
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