Well, dear readers, after all the fanfare, after all the hype, it's finally here.
Zac Posen for Target! To which I celebrate with a huge, and audible,
yawn.I wasn't even looking for Zac's line yesterday, but it found me. I travelled to the Target two towns over - the only one near me that still has a Garden Center - in search of some pretty plants. And while I was there, I noticed that this store had put out the entire Zac Posen line a day early. I poured over the racks with glee... only to come away with nothing but this Sailor Dress (shown) which I will detail later on in this post.
I think the high points of this line are the sparkly
Sweater Dress (which is form-fitting and sexy) and the lipstick-red
Leather Moto Jacket (which is to die for, but at $199.99 is out of my price range). If you want something from the line that's inexpensive but still screams "Zac", then pick up one of his cute
Lipstick tees or tanks.The
Pleated White Top and
Tuxedo Jacket both have potential, and looked to be well made. But alas, since I have neither the need for another white shirt nor another black jacket in my wardrobe, I passed on both of these.
Snap Tape Dress (which look more like rivets than snaps, IMO) is cute, but is cut in an EXTREMELY low "V" in the front. Unless you're very bold, this dress will require a cami underneath. The
Gold Halter Dress and
Ruffled Dresses in Black and Red just screamed "Senior Prom, 1988" to me, so I passed on these. Likewise, this
Yellow Raincoat just seemed puzzling to me; with it's boxy shape and toggle closure, it looked like something a fireman might wear. There are also several items in this line that I found just plain ugly, like all the pieces in his
"Safety-pin Print".Now for the
Sailor Dress. It's a gorgeous pink color, bordering on lilac. It also comes in a pink & black
Tiger Print which I happen not to care for, but
Nicki Hilton seems to like it, so go figure. First off, please use caution when trying on this dress; the inner slip-layer is only held to the rest of dress (at the shoulders) by a few small threads. I did, in fact, see two dresses on the rack hanging there
without the slip - as they had come apart - so if you do buy this dress in the store, make sure the slip is attached. Also, as with everything else in Zac's line, this dress runs small, so most likely you'll need to go up a size. In addition, the sailor top isn't for everyone; the ruffles are very voluminous, and can overtake a small frame. All that said: once I finally got this dress on, I looked in the mirror, and was like
....."meh". It was OK, but nothing great, so the dress will be going back today.