Most Tuesdays I take the opportunity to rant about something I do not like about Target… because although I love ‘em to death, they ain’t perfect. Today's rant goes back a couple of weeks, but I haven't had a chance to write about it until now. In the Great Save section at the Target near my office, they posted a sign over the soft drinks stating "purchases limited to a maximum of 10 packs" (and I believe the soda was in 24-packs). Huh??? Isn't the whole POINT of the Great Save to buy in bulk? Who cares if they sell out? Wouldn't that be desirable on Target's part? Costco doesn't have this sort of policy, at least not that I'm aware of. And I thought that the whole intention of the Great Save was for Target to copy the bulk-club model without the membership fees? I just don't get it...
As a Target cashier I can give you some of the reasoning behind the limit. We get a lot of quick shops and vending machine companies that like to buy pallets full of pop when it is a good deal. They will ask if they can buy all the c pop that is on sale. So we limit the amounts so that other guests will have a chance to purchase that product. It can suck, but it's worse when we run out of a product right away.
H, thank you for clearing this up and providing an answer! Sounds logical to me :-)
some stuff in the GREAT SAVE (office supplies, t-shirts) were on clearance i noticed today.
oops...some stuff WAS (not were!) on clearance....guess i should've previewed my comment!
At my Target today, I noticed that the Ed Hardy bags had been moved to the accessories area, and some of the clothing had been moved into the women's clearance.
Yes, all the Great Save stuff is on clearance now. I'll probably go back for the 15 packs of G2s, which my boys drink like water. I think the packs were $7.99 to begin with, and now they're down to $6.50.
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