I probably have "college on the brain" because my nephew is excitedly anticipating going off to school in the Fall and that's all I hear about from him these days. So when it comes time for him to stock his dorm room, I'm definitely going to steer him towards Target's College 08 section called
"Life Lessons" on Target.com. It's full of great tips like 'how to use electricity safely' (hint: surge protectors) and 'how to live with a tiny closet' (being a clotheshorse, that'll be a hard one for him). The site also has handy checklists on what you need to properly outfit your dorm room. Right now, we just have the site to look at, but as it grows closer to back-to-school time, Target will mail out their annual College catalog. Last year's theme was "Brave new Dorm" (pictured). And even though it's been an awfully
l o n g time since I was in college, I always enjoy browsing the catalog, as they usually offer affordable versions of more trendier furnishings.
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