It's pick of the week time: each Sunday I pick one great buy from Target's Weekly Ad and highlight it here on my blog. Today's pick is weather-generated.... because baby, it's
HOT outside! [at least here in sunny California, where it's been in the triple digits for 4 straight days]. This week Target has a nice selection of tower and box fans on sale -- from brand names like Holmes and Honeywell -- at 10-20% off. At this price, you can practically afford a fan for every room... which believe me, you'll need this summer if you aren't fortunate to have air conditioning!
Tower and box fans (by various makers) starting at $10.99, on sale this week at Target.
Temps in OH....in the low 60's. Hard to imagine ever needing a fan. But I know it is bound to come. BTW, we don't have air conditioning either. Husband just finished the basement so we can have a place to "bunker down" in when the temps and humidity get out of control in the next few months.
Hestermomma, I'm jealous! We'd love to have a basement. In fact the kids were just asking us last weekend if we could "put in a basement"...and we had to explain to them that it's not something you can "add on" to a house :-)
Although my husband and I were both raised "Midwesterners," both of his sisters now live in the San Diego area and don't have basements either. Must be a California thing. Wonder why....
BTW, a REAL mom does everything she can to please her kids. I don't think putting in a basement after the fact is too much to ask. Try saying "yes" more and a little less "no." I AM TOTALLY KIDDING!!
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