So much for truth in advertising. Racked.com is reporting that The Center for Environmental Health - an organization dedicated to protecting the public from toxic chemicals - has lifted the lid on cosmetics companies that wrongfully label their beauty products "organic" when they're clearly not. Earlier this year the organization surveyed dozens of products found on the shelves at stores including Target, CVS, and Walgreens and found that some of these supposedly organic products actually contain no organic ingredients at all. The company issued this statement:
"Several of the products, including products intended for children, contain potentially toxic ingredients, including chemicals suspected of causing asthma, disrupting hormones, or causing cancer and other health problems".
For a list of the 26 products that the CEH state are are not organic, click here. I noticed at least one product on the list that's currently carried by Target: the Boots Amazon Forest Body Wash (shown here).
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