On Tuesdays I sometimes take the opportunity to rant about something I do not like about Target… because although I love ‘em to death, they ain’t perfect. Today's rant by way of Technologizer, who first reported on Sunday that Target's web site (and sister site Amazon.com) was selling Sony’s PlayStation 3 at the incredible price of just $39.99. Obviously, people rushed to take advantage of this deal, and it soon appeared out of stock. As is often the case when a deal seems "too good to be true", Target issued a statement yesterday that this price was listed in error. Target spokesperson Morgan Murray stated “Unfortunately we are unable to offer either of these items at this time and we are canceling guests’ orders without any charge to their account. We sincerely regret this inconvenience.”
I say it's not enough for Target to simply "regret the inconvenience". At the very least, Target should issue those customers a $20 store gift card, since the error was on THEIR part.
awww..come on! Anyone with common sense could figure out that was an error. I just paid almost $300 for PS3.
And were you one of those people? :D
Nope, Elle; I didn't order one. I just reported on it :-)
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