I am not really a “fragrance person”. Most scents are too strong for me to wear, so I limit my perfumes/colognes to just a scant few, and most of the time I never wear them, opting for lighter body lotions or body washes instead. So you can imagine my delight several months ago when I first came upon Method’s Body Wash in White Tea at Target. The bottle had me at “hello”; the unique raised-checkerboard design immediately caught my eye. And once I tried it, I was hooked. The creamy texture is skin-friendly and super moisturizing, with natural antioxidants like vitamin A & E. Best of all, the scent is light and clean, yet lingers on your skin oh-so-subtly for the rest of the day – no additional body lotion or perfume required.
My only complaint is that I fear Target will no longer be carrying this item. I just saw it on clearance on an endcap at my local Target for 30% off. That was last week, and I picked up 2 bottles. But unfortunately I went back this past weekend and the rest were gone :-(
I love Method - I still see lots of it in Canada - maybe they are just redesigning the packaging? My MIL has that bottle in her powder room and it is very nice!
I bought a bunch of Method almond-scented cube liquid handsoap a while back same way--on clearance. I love it, but I have finally used it up.
I wish Target could figure out how to let people like me know this stuff exists before they discontinue it because no one's buying it!
I just have to say that I am not only so very flattered that I am a link on your blog, but that I also absolutely love visiting it! I am the BIGGEST Target shop-aholic so I eagerly await each of your posts! Keep up the great work for us Target fanatics to enjoy!
I'm a pretty big Target-a-holic myself, and read your blog every day (even though I don't always post). Keep up the great stuff!
And, doesn't it always seem that I (or you in this case) find a product that truly performs beyond expectations, they go and discontinue it! Story of my life.
I'll check my area and see if there are any on the shelves. IF so I'll email you to see if you want me to buy them for you.
Aw Sher, that's sweet - thank you! Let me look at a couple of other Target stores first, though. Maybe it was just the one nearest my house who was closing them out - ? Not sure.
OMG...I hope they don't stop selling it!! I love this product! You can buy it here too! http://www.amazon.com/METHOD-BODY-WASH-WHITE-Size/dp/B0024GYZ2W/ref=sr_1_3/190-4919207-5692937?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1260502898&sr=8-3
Love your site btw. Good to know I'm not alone. LOL.
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