I found this hand crème at Target - Sally Hansen's Age Correct - and have been using it for several months now. Not only does it smell uplifting and citrusy (kind of orangey, although that could be the grape seed oil) but it’s lived up to its claim of “visibly improving the signs of aging”. Besides grape-seed oil, it also contains Vitamins A & E, as well as collagen. It instantly softens, doesn’t leave your hands feeling greasy, and a little goes a long way. For all those reasons alone, I’d give it a “rave”. But the main reason I’m writing about this amazing hand crème is that I realize that it’s cured my soft, peeling nails. For years, my nails were thin, fragile, and prone to splitting/peeling when they started to get the least bit long. But no more with this crème; my peeling problem is over, and I can actually go out and enjoy getting manicures now that my manicurist doesn’t need to “file down” the uneven parts of my nails. Yippee!
AS you know our hands show our age....I have age spots, liver spots??? what ever they call them...I'll have to give this a try.
omg I have the same problem with my nails. I have so got to try that. And it also gets a little better when I drink a lot of milk...
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