I have passed some of these tips along already, but during these challenging economic times they bear mentioning again. So here are some additional ways to save $$ while shopping at Target:
• Target offers new sales every week, so check their weekly ad to see what’s currently on sale.
• Target often runs free shipping deals for items bought on their website. Click here for details on their latest deal, which runs out March 21st (Saturday).
• Target’s web site also gives you access coupons to use online or to print out and take with you to the store; click here for more info.
• And speaking of coupons: supposedly Target will accept one manufacturer coupon plus one Target coupon per item, to double your savings and let you save even more money. (I haven’t personally tested this out, though, so I’m not sure whether this is true at all stores).
Great tips!!!
Opps..Ps Email me your email so we can go to Yellow Brick Road sometime. email is posted under about me on The Recessionista Blog!
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