Monday, April 25, 2016

New at Target: Hint Water

I squealed with delight yesterday when I discovered that my local Target store is finally carrying my favorite beverage: Hint. I became obsessed with Hint a couple of years ago - so much so that I now get it delivered directly to my door (FYI, if you order 3 more more cases, delivery is free!). But it's great to know that if I ever run out, I can just go to Tar-jay to get more. Living up to it's name, Hint comes in a variety of fruit flavors with just a hint of flavor. Their motto is "Drink Water - Not Sugar" and true to that, this fruit-infused water has zero calories, no sweeteners and no artificial flavors. And Hint comes in both regular and "Fizz" (or carbonated water) varieties.


  1. I was just at target the other day and noticed that S'well has a collaboration with target called S'ip by S'well. The expensive water bottles are only slightly less expensive than their main brand but couldn't resist the cute weenie dog bottle. Have you seen these?

  2. Yes, I bought one in Jelly Bean Green, or as most people call it, teal. Then I thought better of it, as a 25 oz. full size bottle was more my size. I returned it, and ordered the $45 S'Well in blaze. Orange.

  3. Thanks for the tip, Januarysix! I wasn't aware of Target's collab with S'well. You've just given me a topic for a new blog post!


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