Tuesday, April 26, 2016

More than 500,000 boycott Target over bathroom policy...

MSN reports that a conservative Christian activist group has gained more than half a million signatures so far from people pledging to boycott Target over its transgender bathroom policy.

The petition started by the American Family Association on Wednesday raises concerns that Target's inclusive stance on transgender rights encourages sexual predators and puts women and young girls in danger, because "a man can simply say he 'feels like a woman today' and enter the women's restroom."

The boycott had more than 503,000 signatures as of Monday morning, marking it as one of AFA's most popular campaigns. "This is the best response we’ve ever had this quick," says AFA President Tim Wildmon, attributing the protest's viral nature to the fact that "everybody knows who Target is, and it’s an easy-to-understand issue." Wildmon says Target stands "to lose a lot of customers who won't come back."

But Target is standing by its policy. "We certainly respect that there are a wide variety of perspectives and opinions," says Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder. "As a company that firmly stands behind what it means to offer our team an inclusive place to work — and our guests an inclusive place to shop — we continue to believe that this is the right thing for Target." She added that hundreds of Target stores "have single-stall, family restrooms for those who may be more comfortable with that option."

Target made its position public in a blog post last week, stating that the company welcomes "transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity." The announcement comes as legislation on transgender issues in multiple states has spurred several major corporations and businesses to take a stance on LGBT rights.


  1. I specifically went to Target last week after their announcement of trans-friendly bathrooms. I didn't have anything I needed to buy, but it's Target-- you can always find something! I ended up spending about $80 and telling the cashier that I was very much in support of their bathroom policy. Go Target!

  2. Thanks for an objective and "neutral" report on the boycott. As a signer of the boycott (showers of tears - I am a Target addict) I'd like to share my perspective. I realize that this policy has been in effect for several years, and I don't think 'most' signers have a problem with anyone who is indistinguishable from a woman using the female facilities. The problem arises as Target has made this very public stand that anyone who identifies with a sex can use that bathroom (even if they look and act like the opposite sex). Now that this has been shouted from the rooftops, it unfortunately is an invitation to deviants who would otherwise not have thought twice about entering the women's restrooms. When my kids were younger it was always a bit scary once the boys were too old for the women's room and had to go unattended into the men's room. How wrong to make the safer women's room scary too.

  3. <>

    This is so dumb. The policy says "facility that corresponds with their gender identity" not whoever you feel like today. Not "hey men go ahead and use the ladies room." This the kind of ridiculous fear mongering that is powering the current hate based politics in America. If you mistakenly believe that transgendered people are pedophiles or that pedophiles are going to get a dress and molest you in a public bathroom I have to assume you have never been in a Target bathroom. Other people would be in there and notice that something wrong was happening. When my son was little I could easily talk through the door to check on him when he was in the mens room. Target bathrooms are not that big, are right next to the activity of the store and the doors swing open easily.

    Again. If a creepy guy was hanging out in the ladies room I feel incredibly confident that Target or other customers would alert security. And that makes me feel a whole lot safer than your petition to force Target to ignore common decency.

    Here's the snopes response. I struggled to figure out what response would seem legit to someone who clearly believes only what "certain" sites tell them to believe.

  4. Shopfgrl888, thank you for sharing your perspective. Something you said really resonated with me and I have to call it out. You mentioned Target's "very public stance", and I have to agree with you. In the past couple of years it seems like Target has gone out of its way to get public attention on various issues. They are rarely - if ever - a trailblazer on changing policy, but they do go out of their way to ANNOUNCE once they jump on a bandwagon. For instance: Target was not the first mass retailer to raise their minimum wage. I believe that Walmart and other retailers took the lead. But as soon as THEY did the same thing, they made sure the media heard about it. This 'tooting their own horn' has bothered me for a while.

  5. I feel they should have individual restrooms with doors that are ...either his or hers. I don't want men in my bathroom...messy....or with my grandkids with me. I don't agree with the statement that Target will get security to help.. most stores have no one watching the restrooms , not at my store. By the time security gets around to it, if its a sexual predator they will be long gone. Sorry Fix the problem.
    If they support this I don't support them.

  6. In response to Susan about hate based "fearmongering" etc., again, I don't think anyone is afraid of the truly transgendered person, who will be fairly indistinguishable from a biologic woman. However, at least two men have already posted videos of themselves (looking, acting, speaking and dressing like a Man), asking the Target manager if they could use the women's restroom because that was where they felt most comfortable. The managers gave permission. When one asked "what if" a woman was uncomfortable with that, the manager basically said they would deal with the woman. So the fear is not about the transgendered. The fear is regarding the Very Male Deviant or pedophile who abuses Target's "inclusiveness" policy (which has existed for years, but is now widely known).

  7. Thank you, Jennie and Susan, for measured and wise comments. I also support Target and their policy. The rest is fear-mongering, no matter how you dress it up. :)

  8. Sadly enough I probably won't be dressing my "fear-mongering" up with anything I've purchased from Target recently. :( And I know, they'll probably be fine without me. The upside for Critifur is he can now feel free to visit whichever restroom is cleanest! :)

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