Yesterday at Target I spied a new Method bottle design on the shelf in a scent called "Palm". While the new bottles had a hang tag directing you to Method's site for more info, I couldn't find any more details there, so I headed to where I found this description:
This limited edition art collection was curated to celebrate and support Creative Growth, a non-profit arts center for adults with disabilities based in Oakland, California. We paired the work of four amazing artists with four limited edition fragrances to give you something to admire every day. We hope this art collection inspires you as much as the artists inspire us. Artist Barry Regan's carefully crafted circles layered over a subtle texture of vibrant colors are brought to life by the lush scent of fresh bamboo + palm leaves.
So far I've only seen the Barry Regan print (shown here) in stores, but according to the tag there are 3 more designs coming from the Creative Growth collection.
Wow! Such wonderful news of this collaboration. Creative Growth is a wonderful organization that sees the potential of each individual and really fosters a loving, creative society for so many! That is a beautiful design, and I am looking forward to my next Target run now and will definitely be on the look out for these Method products!