Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday's Rant: Garden/Patio already replaced with BTS

On Tuesdays I sometimes take the opportunity to rant about something I do not like about Target… because although I love ‘em to death, they ain’t perfect. Regular readers will find this rant familiar: that by late June/early July, Target is already shutting down their Garden & Patio section in stores and replacing it with all the BTS (Back To School) supplies. This frustrates me no end, as the Summer has barely started. Likewise, Target.com is already hyping their "College Made for U" College Registry.

So at this point, if you want any patio furniture, head online where the selection is 30% off. I've also noticed in stores that Target is already replacing their straw hat selection with wool and felt caps (???!) so if you need a Summer skimmer, better buy it now before they're all gone.


  1. I hate that Target rushes the seasons so much. A lot of good the spring summer things do us in the Northeast when they bring them out in April and we are still in snow boots and coats.

  2. I used to hate the rushing of the back to school stuff too then my son started school. The school district we're in does a shorter summer vacation to make room for more vacation during the year like a two week fall break etc. So since he starts school at the very beginning of August every year I need those sales to start sooner too. That being said I don't like seeing Christmas in October :)

  3. Encryption ! But It didn't work well here in comments

  4. GRR!!!
    Does this mean that those darling galvanized metal lanterns never made it to clearance? I was coveting them before I left for vacation but they were pricey! Hoping to snag some on sale, but guessing I will find them gone when I return from vacation. Hate that they rush summer goods as well!

  5. Don't hate me, but I love when they shut all the summer stuff down. I feel like there is always a perpetual collection of swimwear in the store all the times, so good riddance to all the stuff that reads summer. I'm not a summer lover at all. I feel annoyed when they are sprinkling in spring things mid December, and putting the cruise wear swimsuits out. To each his own I suppose, but all stores do this, even Pottery barn has gotten rid of a lot of their summer stuff, and the fall catalog is making its way out.

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