Thursday, May 28, 2015

New at Target: Boxed Water (???!)

While browsing the aisles at Target recently, I found this curious item: Boxed Water (shown here). Outside of the "cute factor" of being packaged in boxes resembling milk cartons (vs. traditional bottles) there is nothing "special" about this water. Unless, of course, they're inferring that recycling boxes is easier and more eco than plastic.


  1. I saw water in boxes in Rome 6 years ago. It's about time. Thanks for posting about this!

  2. Funny, in our neck of the woods the waxed milk-carton style containers are not recyclable. That said, here's their web site where they claim that "The Carton Council is continuously adding new carton recycling facilities throughout the US".

  3. Nothing new. Boxed water is all over in Europe.

  4. I teach middle school and my students are crazy about boxed water.

  5. Yes, Boxed water is extremely more eco friendly than plastic bottles. But packaged water is just not eco friendly period, and everyone should give it up as best they can. The US generally has the safest water supply in the world, and drinking from the tap is the best way to go. One can filter if they need to, and put it in a reusable bottle. I gave up bottled water over 15 years ago. Kleen Kanteen is my fav way to go.

  6. so let me see if i buy boxed water i can buy 24 16.9 oz cartons for 32 ish dollars
    but i can buy 40 bottles of water from sams for 2.98.


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