Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Beware of Target's buggy "Store Pickup" tool...

Buyer beware when trying to use Target's "Store Pickup" tool, which they were hyping today on their website with the offer of "last-minute gifts up to 40% off."  Why, you ask? Because 9 times out of 10, the tool won't work.

In the last week, I've tried to purchase 6 various items using this tool. And it only worked once. All the other times, the tool stated the item was available at my chosen store, put in my cart, and reserved. Twice, I got a confirmation that my item was ready to pick up in store. Thank goodness I didn't head over there, as later in the day I got a "cancellation notice" that my item was "no longer available", with no reason given. And the other three times, the item was "cancelled" via email before I got my confirmation email. And this glitch was not confined to just one location; this happened to me with 4 different Target stores. Bottom line: make sure you have your confirmation email (or text) in hand before heading to Target to actually purchase an item you've "bought" via Store Pickup.

1 comment:

  1. This has also happened to me several times, not even during the holiday rush, when I might be slightly more inclined to understand...


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