In one of the "Update Segments" on the show - in which they catch up with past contestants - the entrepreneurs from Lollaland, Kisstixx, Monkey Mat, Kazam, U-lace, and Ry’s Ruffery were thrilled to see their products on Target's shelves for the first time. Before their deals on “Shark Tank,” the combined value of the entrepreneurs’ products equaled $1.3 million dollars in sales. Today, that value has increased to $7.7 million dollars, a 500% increase.
I watch the show fairly religiously, but from the list above, I honestly only remember "Ry's Ruffery" (formerly known as "Ryan's Barkery" and re-named per advice by Barbara Corcoran). Given the booming pet supply market, I'm sure this line of healthy dog treats will do well at The Bullseye.
Hi I'm Ryan's mom! Thanks for the vote of confidence! The promo is going very well.