Friday, April 11, 2014

New at Target: Sugarboo Designs

You’ve probably seen the lyrical and whimsical signs by Sugarboo Designs on the internet and in pricey boutique shops. Normally, they cost between $150 - $300. But now Sugarboo is doing a budget line for Target, with prices ranging from just $14.99 (like this "Life is Beauty Full" sign, shown here) to $29.99.

You can check out the full line of Sugarboo Designs for Target here on In stores, look for a special endcap in the home decor aisle. Right now Target only seems to carry about a dozen Sugarboo items, but hopefully there will be more offerings from them soon.


  1. I saw this stuff in my store, and was not overly impressed, not sure why the actual line is so pricey either?

  2. i love this collection, I wonder if they will be adding more pieces later on? couldn't find anything online about it. thank you for posting this


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