Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Not as advertised...

Remember the limited-edition Lay's Chocolate-covered Potato Chips at Target I told you about the other day? Well, reader Cotton Candy alerts me that they are "not as advertised".

First off, the bag is quite small - more along the size of a "snack size" bag. I snapped this pic in store to try and show you, adding a bag of Chex Mix to the shelf as a size comparison.

Second, I'm told they don't actually look like the chips shown on the bag. In reality, each chip is only "half dipped" in milk chocolate, leaving the other half just a regular potato chip. IMO, it's pretty misleading to show a fully-dipped chip on the front if that's not what you're getting.

And third, many stores seem to already be out of these special chips. I'm not sure whether Target will be re-stocking throughout the holidays, but if you're looking for them, your best bet is to check the Seasonal Food and Beverage section of your local store (not in the regular chip aisle).


  1. My store hasn't had them at all. My jeans are breathing a sigh of relief...

  2. I saw them and was appalled at the price for such a small bag! I still wanted them...

  3. They are not as advertised but amazing. I bought two bags... and needless to say they were eaten fairly quickly.

  4. Maybe they are are smallish bag, because we possibly couldn't control ourselves and would over eat :)

    Hey on another note: is it me or is the Christmas section of Target this year a bit light on merchandise? I noticed that the Christmas card section is a fraction of the size it always is, and over all the displays are rather lackluster.

  5. Elizabeth: which Christmas section are you talking about? The decorations & wrapping paper, or the adjacent Holiday food & beverage section? I hadn't noticed those sections being "lighter" BUT I did notice that the card section has dwindled to one small endcap (at least at my local store). I complained about this last year (see my post from 12/2/12 if you're interested) and this year the card selection is even SMALLER.

  6. I went back to my store yesterday, and they finally filled up the isle that only had red and green plastic tubs, with the stocking stuffers! I'm just surprised how badly stocked our store is. The ornament area where they have the little theme bins are virtually empty. Yes, the card section almost is tiny and you would almost miss it, when in the past, it almost took up a whole wall. They are usually so eager to put everything out right after Halloween, that Im surprised at how it looks this year.

  7. I bought and ate these. My chips were ALL covered in chocolate. Sometimes too much choco. It was delicious though, but yes the price is appalling for such a small bag


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