Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kirna cleared from Target.com...

Good morning, readers!  Sorry for the lapse in posts, but I've basically been in a flu-induced fog since Friday morning :-(   Sometime between now and Jan. 13th - which was the last time I looked for Kirna Zabete on Target.com - the line disappeared from the site.  I recently ordered the Kirna "kiss dress" in the lip motif that looks like leopard-print (shown here) for just $13.98; it came the other day but I haven't had the energy to try it on yet.  Thankfully, the packing slip says I have the normal "90-day return policy", so I have plenty of time to mull over this purchase (unlike the deadline restrictions placed on the Target + NM line).


  1. I found NM for target item @ downtown SF NM store

  2. Aack! I was eyeing a black leather jacket that was already about 50% or so off - but still a little too much to justify. Oh, well. It appears the rest of the "Shops" stuff is gone too...

  3. I saw a lot of the Kirna stuff with tags still on it (I'm assuming it was donated by Target) at a Goodwill in Chicago around New Year's. Just a head up for anyone still looking for some of that line (I know Tennessee Targets also donate to Goodwill so maybe it is a nation wide thing?).

  4. Glad you are feeling a bit better :)
    that's pretty cool that the pattern looks like cheetah but is actually lips. You'll have to tell us if it's a keeper :)

  5. I did not think much of this line at first but I really grew to like it. I ordered several shirts, two sweaters and handbags but wound up returning the purses. Even at 13.98, I felt that I have too many!

  6. Thanks Critifur and Floating thru Fields! You want to avoid this bug, believe me!

    Jenny: interesting that NM is still carrying clearance items from their line with Target. It must have been a NM store return that made it back before the return deadline.

    Sara: thanks for the tip! Yes, Target donates to Goodwill nationally. Let me know if you see the NM line there, ok?

  7. FYI readers: not impressed enough with the fit or styling of the Kirna dress to keep it, so it'll be heading to the returns department soon.


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