Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Has Gray Thursday replaced Black Friday?

With so many stores - like Target - now kicking their doors open on Thanksgiving Day, the holiday has a new name: Gray Thursday.  But with Walmart workers planning to strike in protest, the backlash has begun against this rampant consumerism. Shown here is a banner ad from JC Penney that a friend of mine posted on Facebook this week.  JCP is leading the charge against the new eat-then-shop holiday, saying it's going to "honor" tradition by closing stores on Thanksgiving and not open until Black Friday.  JCP is even opening its stores two hours later this year - at 6am, vs. 4am last year - and I applaud them for taking this stance.


  1. Best store is Nordstroms. They aren't even open on Black Friday.

  2. Actually Nordstrom is open on black Friday. And although I'm all for being closed on actual thanksgiving I think we have to treat all businesses equally here, what about restaurants and coffee shops? Those employees have to work on the holiday....

  3. Jen: I think that restaurants, coffee shops, and the like are fulfilling a service, so I can see why some are open on Thanksgiving (although I know of several local ones in my town who do close up out of respect for their employees). But retail stores don't need to be open on Thanksgiving. IMHO,it contributes to the rampant consumerism that led to our economic downfall of 2008. I wish that Target would respect the holiday like JCP does, but obviously they're more concerned with making money than making their employees happy.

  4. Jen: Maybe it's the day after Christmas I'm thinking about? I know Nordstrom used to be closed one of the major shopping days..... That being said, I'm boycotting Target and other retailers that are open before midnight - just for the 4 day weekend, but that's how I'm protesting. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Sorry, but as a target team member I love it! It might seem like the opening shift is horrible, but everyone that is working it volunteered for it. In our store (T2312 in Springfield PA) we have such a good time! We get free food, get awesome deals on merchandise, and there's always activities going on in our break rooms. I actually volunteered for opening AND closing! Plus the pay doesn't stink either (I'm actually making twice what I would normally make) and helps make my Christmas a little bit easier!

  6. I totally see your point about a service. I'm not really confirmed my own opinion (LOL) I just think identifying target and walmart alone isn't really fair (just checked my email and Michael's is open today at 4 pm)... I totally agree however that massive consumerism is ridiculous.

    Mai Ri: Nordstrom is closed today and opens up tomorrow at like 9? they do have a notice on their site about respecting the holiday.

  7. Danielle, thank you so much for weighing in as a Target employee. I am glad to hear that Target lets their employees volunteer for these holiday shifts, and also that you get perks for doing so.

  8. I'm a former Target employee (T608!) who NEVER volunteered for Black Friday shifts. I don't know anyone who did, either. Some people were more willing to work the opening shift, simply because it was easier to just stay up all night to report to work at 3:30. I would not describe it as a great time, either. Yes, there was food provided - but didn't make it worth it. I would much rather have been able to sleep in, and enjoy Thanksgiving with my family, not worry about how I was going to have to get up early and work my way through the lines and not get trampled and what not.

    I'm lucky enough to not work in retail right now, and we are observing Buy Nothing Day for sure. I will be sure to try to patronize Penny's this year - they are an impressive company, who constantly earn my admiration (like with the Ellen thing). Also, of course, Nordys is the BEST. I love Target too, but this is not cool.

  9. Rachael, thank you for providing your POV as a former Target employee. I guess it all depends on your situation, preferences, what particular store you work at, etc.


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