Monday, October 31, 2011

New at Target: Albertus Swanepoel

The Albertus Swanepoel hat collection that I told you about back in June is now available on I haven't seen it yet in stores, but The Recessionista has, and you can check out her review of the line here.

While the hats look lovely, they're really not my style, so I think I'll pass on this collection. The Dana Kellin jewelry line has also hit Target, which I'll blog about tomorrow.

UPDATE: another complaint I have about Target's re-designed website is that the landing page for capsule collections are literally BURIED. If you do a search on "Albertus Swanepoel" on Target's site, all you'll get is are the products. So to find his landing page, please click here.

1 comment:

  1. Checked out the hats. They're nice but really not much cuter (or even useful) than the other hats this season at Target.

    The only one that I contemplated was the tanish/brown cloche. My head's a comparatively small, I guess; so a lot of the others didn't fit me. But I got home and felt a little like a character from Fat Albert with the thing on. Oh, well...

    I also couldn't bear to even try on a fedora - because God knows we have enough incredibly annoying people in L.A. wandering around in the ubiquitous fedora. But that's a personal thing. The hats are well made for the price.


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