Saturday, September 11, 2010

Target's Take Charge of Education Program

Do you have a Target RedCard? If so, did you know that you can designate a school of your choice, and that Target will automatically donate 1% of your purchases to your chosen school? It's so simple, and only takes a minute to sign up; just go here on Target's site, enter your school, and you're done!

I happened to be on Target's site today to change my preferred school; now that both boys are in high school, I swapped their former middle school for their HS. And, I was happy to see that I was the 75th local "RedCard" participant to choose that school, and that last month they received over $1,000 in donations.

1 comment:

  1. I just signed up Target credit card and my Target Debit Card (which is cool btw) to benefit my local school. My school district (Broward County Public Schools) has received over $1.6 million since the begining of the program from Target....that is a lot of bake sales. Love this program!


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