Monday, November 9, 2009

The Returns Department...

Welcome to my semi-regular feature here on this blog called The Returns Department. As I feared, the Falchi bag that was an "impulse" buy several days ago has ended up being returned to my local Target store. While I loved the vibrant lining, the oh-so-handy inner key holder, and the fact that this bag was light-as-a-feather (and therefore easy on my shoulder) the PVC material just screamed "cheap" to me. Especially when I have at least 3-4 other black bags already sitting in my closet.

It did inspire me to do a little research, however, and I found that both the full-priced Carlos Falchi line and his moderate line (called "Chi") have the features above that I love. To that end: if I find that I really do want a Falchi, I'll be saving up for the REAL thing.

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