Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pick of the Week

It's Pick of the Week time: each week I pick one great buy from Target's Weekly Ad (in the Sunday newspaper) and highlight it here on my blog. Today's pick is a trip down memory lane for me... 20 years ago, leggings were a staple of my wardrobe. And this week, Target has basic leggings by Mossimo on sale for just $5 each. Five dollars! I don't think I even found them that cheap back in 1989!! I'll have ask my BFF, Kara; she'll remember.

And speaking of Kara... this post is dedicated to her. We had our 20 year college reunion this weekend, and I didn't go :-( Sorry, Kara. Part of me wishes I had, but part of me is relieved I didn't. I hope you had fun. Remember when we wore leggings? Remember when you borrowed my oversized red denim shirt to wear over your leggings to that keg party? I'll stop there; you remember the rest ;-)


  1. Thanks for this! Now I'm going tomorrow ... :)

  2. Ha! Yes, our leggings days -- I had such a collection of them (all more than $5)...and who could forget that red shirt night!!!! :-)

    You were very missed at the reunion -- we'll have to rage the 30!


  3. Kara, our former classmates on FB are already talking about the I don't think we'll need to wait a whole ten years!


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