Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tracy Feith? Don't bother...

I got a sneak peek at some of the Tracy Feith Go International collection yesterday at my local Target (which had put it out in advance of today's official debut) and all I can say is DON'T BOTHER wasting your time on this one. The store didn't have all the pieces out on display (and likewise, Target doesn't have the entire line up on their web site yet) but what I saw was "fugly" at best. Like this sweater (shown) that seriously looked like something my grandma would have worn back in the 70's. Wait, I take that back; my grandma was WAY too stylish to wear something as hideous as this. Really, check it out in the store; it's FAR worse in person than even in this pic.

Or this muumuu -- yes, this really is a muumuu. Who needs (or wants) a muumuu? A maxi dress is one thing, but this is definitely a mumuu. I can't see where one would wear this, outside of a luau.

Another disappointing Go International designer line from Target. What a shame...


  1. OK-- I haven't seen the collection yet, but that sweater--BLUK!
    This is really a shame.
    Do you think it's going to go to clearance quicklike McQ did?

    I linked to your review from my blog!

  2. OMG I'm a Target addict too! I just came across your blog and I was like, YES! I'm not the only one! I agree with that you've said about this new collection. I haven't seen it in person yet, but from what I've seen online it doesn't look too promising. Lucky for us, there are so many other amazing things to get at Target... :)

  3. My local targets didn't have any muumuus, but a large variety of mini-dress type garments that must be for layering, because I honestly do not know how one would wear them otherwise.

  4. MH, thanks again for the shout out :-)
    As an aside: have you noticed "more McQ" suddenly showing up on the clearance racks? I can't figure out if Target had stuff in the back that they never put out on the floor (until now) or if folks had "buyers remorse" and have been returning the McQ stuff.

  5. Saw this sweater in person tonight and it is terrible, but not as awful as the Nylon Ripstop Jacket, which looks like your grandma in Florida lent you her nylon track jacket and you turned it inside out because you were embarrassed by the flower pattern but you can still see it through the lining.

  6. Lola, your comment made me LOL! I couldn't agree more.


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