Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday's Rave: Natural Luxe at Target

One of my favorite things about Target is their home décor aisle. Over the years I've been able to buy many unique items to grace my walls, mantle, and shelves. And now they have a new collection called “Natural Luxe” that looks like it came straight out of the latest Pottery Barn catalog, only at a fraction of the cost. Case in point: check out this cool wrought-iron branch figurine that would be perfect as a living room accent piece or in a bedroom as a jewelry tree. Continuing on the nature theme, the Natural Luxe line also has this stylish lamp (for just under $50) which is reminicent of this driftwood one (at 6 times the price!) from from Pottery Barn. And finally, why get this branch-motif pillow sham from Pottery Barn for $45 when you can get a whole branch pillow for just $19 at Target?

1 comment:

  1. Yippee!!! I am so excited about this! I love Pottery Barn, and we live close to a PB outlet...but even there, it is too expensive.


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